ArduFlyer is a complete open source autopilot system. Its design come
from 3DRobotics and it 100% compatible with APM2.5. It allows the user
to turn any fixed, rotary wing or multirotor vehicle (even cars and
boats) into a fully autonomous vehicle; capable of performing programmed
GPS missions with waypoints. This version comes with the RC/Servo
connectors unsoldered, so you can choose between straight or
right-angled ones, both of which are included.
- Arduino and ArduPilot Mega 2.5 Compatible!
- Includes both right angle and straight pins for I/O, allowing user to customize as needed.
- Includes 3-axis gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer, along with a high-performance barometer
- Onboard 16Mbit Dataflash chip for automatic datalogging
- Digital compass powered by HMC5883L chip, included on the main board.
- Invensense's 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
- Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties.
- Atmel's ATMEGA2560-16AU and ATMEGA32U-2 chips for processing and usb functions respectively.
Board schmatic and layout with EAGLE files:
Harga : Rp. 1.025.000